Artificial Intelligence Software Solutions
for Publishers

AI Publishing Solutions offers custom Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) software that is tailored for a publisher’s needs. Every company has different procedures to bring their books and journals to print - whether in Editorial, Production, or Marketing - which is why we work closely with clients to build unique AI programs. We automate publishing processes, which results in tremendous time savings and productivity boosts.

Introducing the AI Art Log Automator

We are pleased to introduce our patent-pending software: the AI Art Log Automator.

Every year, publishers spend thousands of hours manually categorising manuscript images for Art Logs, typically into 4 categories: Colour Halftone, Black-and-White Halftone, Colour Line Drawing, and Black-and-White Line Drawing.

Employees often spend an hour or more per manuscript filling out Art Log spreadsheets. This manual labour is incredibly expensive for companies - but now there’s a software solution!

Benefits of the AI Art Log Automator

  1. Saves thousands of manual labour hours

  2. Increases productivity

  3. Book handovers are completed more quickly

  4. Time saved allows employees to focus on more important activities, such as commissioning authors

  5. Reduces staff turnover by enabling employees to acquire more commissioning skills and improve career skills

  6. Helps generate additional revenue

Art Logs in Seconds

The AI Art Log Automator has been trained on a neural network with thousands of images for accurate identification.

Art Logs are automatically created in minutes, if not seconds, depending on the number of the images.

The neural network currently has an accuracy rate as good, if not better, than a human: 97%*. With more real-time feedback from our users, this percentage will improve.

* Accuracy variations depend on image category and complexity.

Step 1.

Using the dashboard, the user selects the images to upload.

Step 2.

Click the ‘Start Processing’ button.

This is a good time to make yourself a cup of tea or coffee! The Art Log will probably be finished once your favourite beverage has been made…

Step 3.

Data is presented with images categorised by Colour Halftone, Black-and-White Halftone, Colour Line Drawing, and Black-and-White Line Drawing.

Step 4.

Download the Art Log as an Excel spreadsheet (or another file format suitable for your company’s needs).

Done. Finished. Wasn’t that easy?

Additional Features

As an option, the user is able to set a threshold for manual inspection. If the prediction accuracy for an image falls below a defined threshold, the user is notified and can manually inspect it.

In the screenshot, the threshold was set at 0.95 (or 95%).

Cloud Computing

With over half a decade of experience working in the publishing industry, we understand that there are different methods of bringing books and journals to print. We also know that every publisher uses different combinations of software programs.

That’s why the AI Art Log Automator is cloud-based software. This allows for easy integration into whatever digital system you use to prepare books or journals for handover, whether it’s RAPS or other web applications.


Contact us for a demo of our patent-pending software, the AI Art Log Automator. We can explain the program in greater detail and arrange for its implementation into your digital systems.

We would also be happy to discuss designing a unique AI program that is perfectly suited for your company’s needs.
