Publishers Need Custom AI Software

With the recent release of Chat GPT-4, there has been much discussion in the press about how Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Large Language Model technology will affect nearly every industry. It may prove to be as revolutionary as computers in the 80s or the internet in 90s.

While this may sound intimidating, it offers proactive companies a great opportunity: monotonous and repetitive tasks can be automated, potentially with faster and better outcomes, thereby liberating employees to focus on more stimulating, creative, and thought-provoking work. This can lead to exponential boosts in productivity, saving companies money and increasing profits.

One industry that will be most affected by this tech revolution is publishing. A study by OpenAI concluded that the publishing industry will be the 5th most affected:

This isn’t a surprise. A publisher is essentially a ‘digital factory’, which means it is ripe for software automation. And the sooner companies can recognise and identify how their employees’ jobs can be dramatically improved with this new technology, the sooner they will begin saving money and outperforming their competitors.

AI Publishing Solutions recommends that publishers critically analyse the processes by which their books are brought to print and identify tasks that are repeated throughout a week/month/year.

This is our philosophy: ‘A task that is repeated more than twice should be automated.’

A comment one often hears while working for a publisher is ‘It only takes 10 minutes…’ Sure, it’s 10 minutes if done once, but in a digital factory, tasks are usually repeated hundreds or thousands of times per year, by a handful or a hundred employees. A ‘10-minute task’ over the course of a year can be quite expensive!

We invite you to contact us for a consultation so we can discuss how your company can benefit from AI and ML software that is specially customised for your needs.
